Friday, February 25, 2011

My Life Project

I really did like the, my life project. I let me look back at old pictures and brought back all of these memories. This project I also learned different things about the year I was born, 1994. They should keep this project because you get to find pictures you lost you lost or pictures you never thought you had. I also can show your class your past and how much you have changed.  This was my favorite project out of the entire projects we have done. After looking at all these pictures I found and finishing the project there was even more pictures that I would have loved to put in , but just ran out of time.  This is one of the projects that you will keep for a long time because it is about you and your life. The great thing about this is that you can add on to it whenever you like.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I this is my favorite project that I have done in technology class. The music I chose was Country Music. I learned new things about country music and things that I already new. I liked finding the videos that I liked and putting them together. This project just took time but at the end of the project I really liked it and I think my Country Music looks like a movie and is very good. This is the best project I have done so far. With this project I got to be more creative then other projects that we have done and this project was music so it was more what I like then other projects.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This assignment took a little long to figure it out because i have never used it before and it was just confusing. Now that I know how to do this and now it should not take that much time. I think it is a good tool to know how to do because you could use it for other project and so. While trying to figure it out and how to put the videos on iMovie I was very frustrated, but now I think it is going to make my project better that I did this. Next time I do a project that need me to convert things I can with out it taking to much time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

iMOVIE: Teens For Life

This project was an okay project at first it was really fun but then I just got tired and sick of it. This project takes a lot of time and effort to get this project finished with. I was just running out of patients with this project. We chose a good club, which was Teens For Life. Out of the entire project we have done in this class this was by far not one of my favorites. I had a good group but I know for a fact that we got each other’s nerves and we were all relieved when this project was done. Yes, I know that we could have done things better but we did all right. I am just glad this project is done and other with and I can move to the next project.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Video Podcast

I would have like this project a lot more if I did not have to record my voice because I do not like my voice recorded. The movie I chose was Step Up 3 because I just watched it a week ago from when we started the project and because I liked all the dancing and everything in the movie. I think I could have done better in the podcast and I could of been a lot prepared. I wish we did not have to show all of the podcast because I really do not like my voice in it. I wish I could have had someone else record it for me. Other then the voice part, I guess the project was okay. This project was not one of my favorite projects and it took me a little while to figure out what I am doing. Out of these projects we have had in the past that could help with everyday things I do not think this would help me with things I need to use, but it could if this is what you like and if u like music and the other things on garage band. I probably will not use Garage Band after this project.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Working with a Group

I liked working with a group and my group worked very well together. My group was very good and we all helped out. I have no problems with working with a group. We could not do to much because we need to have interviews and have the pictures from Mrs. Lavin. We did well with what we could find and the time we had. I think after everything is done and all the interviews are done I think our project will be very good. I think as a group we work very well together and there is no problem with people doing work and there is not one person doing nothing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPhoto Project

I liked the iphoto project but I thought it was confusing and a little difficult at times. It was something new and different then what I have done and learned on the computer. I did not learn this before this project. It did not take me that long to get done with the post I think the hardest part was exporting it. That is the part i could not figure out I had to ask someone for help with that. I think was a fun project and no I am not going to use this a lot but it’s good to know how to use it. I liked it and next trimester they should use the project again.