Monday, January 10, 2011

Video Podcast

I would have like this project a lot more if I did not have to record my voice because I do not like my voice recorded. The movie I chose was Step Up 3 because I just watched it a week ago from when we started the project and because I liked all the dancing and everything in the movie. I think I could have done better in the podcast and I could of been a lot prepared. I wish we did not have to show all of the podcast because I really do not like my voice in it. I wish I could have had someone else record it for me. Other then the voice part, I guess the project was okay. This project was not one of my favorite projects and it took me a little while to figure out what I am doing. Out of these projects we have had in the past that could help with everyday things I do not think this would help me with things I need to use, but it could if this is what you like and if u like music and the other things on garage band. I probably will not use Garage Band after this project.

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