Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Appeal Fundrasier Letter

I liked this project but I thought it was harder then the first one. It was not that easy like the last one because I never used the mail merger and I never wrote the appeal letter. It was difficult for me. I think they should do this project again just explain it better. I think everyone needs to know how to do this when you get a job when you are older because you might have to send all these letters and it is easier then typing all of them one by one. This project will be used in the future I think with a lot of people. Now if i need to write letters for more then one person I can and it does not take up that much time, so you have more time to do other things that need to get done. If you do not know how to do this you should learn it is a good technique to learn and after you get it is easy and does not take to long.

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